Thursday, April 21, 2011

Monoply money!

What we value here on earth looks like monopoly money in heaven. Monopoly money has no real value. During a very short duration it has meaning while throwing dice across a board game. But once the game is done and the box is closed, whatever monopoly money you earned is absolutely inconsequential. It’s meaningless.

The parallel to our earthly values is easy enough draw. We care so much about the opinions of people and the numbers recorded on our bank statements, but when the game is done and the lid closes on our coffin, none of it matters. You can’t buy groceries with monopoly money here on earth, and in heaven no one cares about how popular you were in high school.
 “Where will we be when our world falls apart and all of the treasure we’ve stored in our barns can’t buy the kingdom of God?” Our time here on earth is not about hoarding items and opinions that carry no weight in eternity. Our time is about creating eternal value through obedience in the midst temporary, changing situations.

God wants us to live for something greater. Don’t get to the end of your life and realize everything you’ve hoarded “can’t buy the kingdom of God.” When the box closes, what will actually carry weight in eternity?

 This song is called One Thing Remains by JesusCulture. This song reminds me that no matter what I have done, what trial I am facing God's love for me won't change, and its never going to leave me, it will always remain!


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