Now you may wonder, Jenna why in the WORLD are you going to blog on pimples? Isn't this a website where we can turn and learn something new about Jesus everyday? Well, pimples can be used to describe something that happens in every persons life!Are you ready? I promise you I am not too crazy.
Get this picture in your head: Pimples are like problems in your life, now the problem could be anything. Friends, family, money, fighting with another person, health issues, losing someone close, pimples, any problem big or small.
Pimples are just like all those problems in life! Pimples are big, disgusting, not so great things to have. Just as problems are. They are not the funnest things to go through at times. Just like the morning before prom, when you wake up with a pimple on your chin, all you want to do is curl up in a hole and wish this had happened last week right?

Now, with pimples you can try to cover them up with the wonderful make-up, now for guys I don't really know if they are able to at least try to hide them, but us ladies all know we need lots of make-up not just once, all through out the day! It's a pain to try to even hide it. Same with difficulties in life, we all try to hide our mistakes, act like life is perfect and we are fine, but we all know that makes the problem worse, not better.
We can also start using pro-active or a treatment to make it go away a bit faster, but what we all should know is treatment takes time to work. Just like your issue can or will never get better in a day, Jesus is your treatment. Just as you should trust proactive, you should trust God and know that with Him all things will get better!
Psalm 126:5 - Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy.
Popping and taking care of the problem, is like making it worse, but it always heals faster right. Sometimes we need to toughen up, or man up whatever you wanna call it, and fix the problem. If that means you have to be honest, or real then do it. It makes it all better, again not right away but hurries the process up.
In the end the pimple goes away, life is good, and things are fine and dandy. But, if you don't take care of your skin, it will show up again. Just as in life, the problem will always get better! But, something always comes up in the future. We are not perfect, we all make mistakes as we get older. "Spiritual maturity isn't measured by how many times you have fallen, but how fast you get up and turn to Jesus." Be prepared!
God is willing to help you through it all, you know what Jesus is to me in hard times? He is that person that knows what to say, knows how hard it is..and most of all the one who carries me through it and makes me stronger. He wants to do the same for you! And He will IF you believe in Him!!
He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds. - Psalm 147:3
Cause we have the BEST dad in the whole world!! Right :) I love this song!! Check it out!
Be blessed,