Monday, May 23, 2011


The more I read the Bible, the more I realize how shallow I am in understanding the basic "steps" of our Christian faith. Words like “atonement” and “redemption” are honestly foreign to me. Sure, I’ve heard them my whole life, but if you asked me to start writing a book about either topic, I’d hardly make it through the Preface. This is not good.
However, recognizing my lack of depth has awakened new hunger in me. I may not have understanding, but I’ve been given every necessary tool to remedy that problem. The Holy Spirit, the Holy Scriptures, and the grace of God leave me without excuse. God’s “divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness . . . ” (2 Peter 1:3). I simply must lay hold of the tools God has made available.

So, let’s start with “atonement.” It’s an intimidating word, I agree. But remember, we’ve been given power to deal with “all things.” In Leviticus 16, God prescribes to Moses the day of atonement. Many, many activities happen on that day that you could spend years of your life unfolding. We’re just going to look at one element.
As part of the day of atonement, Aaron had to select two goats from the congregation of Israel. One would serve as a sin offering, sacrificed on the altar in the tabernacle. The other would serve as the scapegoat. This is where is gets really interesting.

Upon the scapegoat, Aaron would lay his hands and pronounce the sins of the children of Israel. Then, a “suitable man” would lead the goat to an uninhabited place, bearing the iniquities of the children of Israel. Do you see what has happened here? The goat would bear their iniquities, carry their iniquities upon him, just as he would blankets or supplies for a traveler. He carried their iniquities and took them to an uninhabited place–a place where no person dwelt or lived.

Therefore, within the idea of atonement is not only a release from the consequences of sin, but is also the power to live without the sin that has plagued our lives. When Jesus accomplished atonement, it wasn’t just spilling blood to cover our mistakes. Peter tells us that Jesus “bore our sins in His own body . . . that we, having died to our sins, might live for righteousness” (1 Peter 2:24). Jesus carried our sins and took them to an uninhabited place–a place that is separated from us. He is the suitable man that led away our goat nature.
This one shade of atonement makes my heart much more deeply in love with our Savior.

The sin that has plagued my actions and mind, He bore them on His body and took them away from me. He removed not only the consequence, but the action that demanded the consequence. Today, you can also live with deeper love, knowing that sin’s harassment of your mind is illegal. Jesus took it to a uninhabited place, far from your dwelling. Through faith, seize this reality and let your heart burn in peaceful communion.


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